Square Pegging

Regular readers will know that Paraglider is allergic to 5-star hotels, so it was with some reluctance that he agreed to accompany a friend to Scowlit's night club in the Elephant Towers. The place was busy. So busy you could almost believe some people go there intentionally. Noisy too, with MTV masquerading as entertainment. What seems to unite the Scowlit crowd is the belief that they are good-looking and extremely fashionable. Paraglider is not qualified to comment on the second of these and too polite to dwell on the first. Certainly it's the only place in town where Russian ladies distribute business cards. Helga would be affronted.


  1. LOL. Laughter or empathy? I don't know. Scowlit's = could this actually be the name of a place? I just can't believe a name like that exists. That aside, where the heck is Elephant Towers? AHAAAAAA I get it. hahhhahaha. I have only ever been there once. Why do you call it El. Towers? No elephants there. Shoulda named it Ponce Towers. More apt in my op. MTV hahha are you sure it was not partnered with the Para? Sounds like an upper-class Para to me, credit to them for that! "the belief that they are good-looking and extremely fashionable" - yes, you mean ponces. Ponces that are easy to pick up, dressed in Top Shop's latest style of lycra.

    Enjoy the view in Elephant Towers, where all kinds of creatures tower over your radar. ;)

    P.S. hope the ants are on their way home. :)

  2. An upper-class Paranormal? They've a long way to go! Sky News, with the sound turned down, is a stroke of Paranormal genius. Unwatchable for more that 10 minutes, it's a pseudo-British Aussie-owned tabloid garbage channel. It forces the attention elsewhere, like an altruistic comic (a nonexistent breed). This is good for business. MTV, on the other hand, is the TV counterpart of Coca Cola and should only ever be consumed on Death Row, as a last punishment for the exceptionally antisocial.

    And the drinks were expensive too.

  3. Looks like you caught a nose bleed in the towers. Sometimes sticking to what you know and trust is best and sometimes cheaper can be better.

  4. Emperor - I knew what to expect from Scowlit's, but sometimes you have to go with the flow. We all end up as jetsam in the Para!

  5. Paraglider- Keep up the goo work with the blog it keeps me up to date with the social scene with fun in Dubai


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