The Joy of Delay

Yesterday I was lucky enough to be stuck in Doha airport for a couple of hours. This had nothing to do with any Icelandic volcano and everything to do with a delayed FlyDubai take off in Dubai. I'd turned up at 2:30 pm to meet someone off a plane, only to learn from the arrivals board that it had still not taken off. Now before anyone tells me that following a week of total air chaos with thousands stranded for days, I shouldn't be complaining about a mere two hours, let me re-emphasise: I'm not complaining. I had a great time. In fact, I'm seriously considering adding the occasional hour in Arrivals to my routine, say once every couple of months. Because, from a vantage point close to the sliding doors, you are treated to a constant sucession of joyous reunions. Mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, friends and lovers. Waiters greeting the awaited. Eager anticipation exploding in a climax of smiles, handshakes, hugs and kisses. Even tears, but so unlike the tears of a Departure lounge. It would take a hard heart indeed not to be uplifted by these tableaux.
A prefect setting for the special Arrival I was expecting...


  1. You could have posted this one on News of Optimism!
    I firmly believe that most people are good and that Love is something they keep at the very top of their priorities.
    Sadly, the minority that does not share this condition seems to somehow always manage to gain the upper hand when it comes to power.
    But then, I also believe there actually is no power greater than Love.
    And so the pendulum continues its indifferent swing.

  2. Post Script:
    You should have added a fourth category to your poll below: "Frankly, I couldn't possibly care less!"
    (subdued laughter from the peanut gallery)

  3. Richard - I did consider it for N of O, but then the Spitalfields piece wouldn't easily fit here, and with only so many hours in the day...
    Royal Households, yes, who needs them?

  4. Good for you that you saw the delay as an opportunity to observe people in one of the happiest moments possible. People watching is one of my favorite pastimes too!

  5. The nearby Costa Coffee stall helped too :)


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