Helga sighted, seated in state

Paraglider's whim last night found him in Waggleworms, where the ridiculously named but very talented SoundSations still hold court every night. Alan A has changed his black trilby for a white golf cap (not, I'm pleased to report, a baseball cap) and is as flamboyant as ever. The back line seemed unchanged, but the three girl singers are newer than my last visit. All fine, but Jee set a standard that's hard to follow. While taking all this in, and waiting for a waiter to bring that vital first drink, there came a touch on the left elbow and a familiar voice - hello Para. And there, as if magically transported from Jockey's 2006 to Waggleworms 2009 sat Helga, all cleavage, teeth and sequins, directing operations from her bar stool, as of old. It seems the Chinese girls are not allowed in here, so the mix is traditional FSE. Helga's immediate brood appears to have shrunk to a single chicken. Maybe she's retiring gradually?


  1. Waggleworms? Now where on earth is that? Word play too clever for me...

  2. Rattlesnakes (Shk Zayed Metropolitan)

  3. And the Sandsessions band are the Soundsations. They've been there for years. Sandsessions would be a better name, as would almost anything!

  4. FSE? Former Soviet... ?

  5. Empire - maybe not an officially recognised abbreviation, but one I've used from time to time on this blog.

  6. I wonder where Helga disappeared to! Para has not being the same since she left.

  7. Emperor - it's been a long time! Now, does Para mean -normal or -glider in this context?

    Possibly both ;) Good to see you here.


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