Doha's Lesbian Scene

Ever since I posted Doha's First Gay Club - Created by Mistake, the blog has been getting several hits every day from all over the World, with searches like gay doha, doha gay scene, gay bar doha, etc. These can only be from gay workers considering taking up a contract in Qatar and doing a little advance research. After all, Doha's not Rio. No-one's going to research Doha's gay scene purely from an academic interest. And if they did, it would make a very short paper.

So, purely in the spirit of fairness, I've created this Doha's Lesbian Scene post, so that all the lesbian girls flocking to work in Qatar have at least one web page to land on, albeit one of no possible value to them or anyone else. Sorry, ladies!

Just one small flaw in the idea, though. We barely have enough female contracters here to constitute even a small straight flock, so heavily male-skewed is the immigrant population. So I guess, no flocking lesbians. Oh well, I tried.


  1. lol......
    well my sense is that as in all basically skewed cultures ( in ours to to some extent this was the case too) Most gay scenes being unempowered are under heavy secret guise... you wont know about it and the local ladies NOT expats wont tell...PS this is TBS,xxx

  2. Greetings T! Here is extreme. True nationals with Qatari citizenship constitute about 18% of the population. There are only around 200,000 of them. The remaining million or so are immigrant workers among whom the male female ratio must be around 10:1 (my guess - might even be worse)
    But gay life isn't just unempowered, it's strictly illegal, punishable by (at least) imprisonment and deportment. But then, so is extra or pre marital sex, though here the punishment will depend on nationality and of course gender. Interesting society ;)


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